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Tyalgum District Community
Events & Information

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S.S. TYALGUM - Ship's Bell

Flagpole and Archway options are now open for consultation.


Download the below document to read more about the Bell, its history

and the options for showcasing it.


CLICK HERE to download consultation papers.

TYALGUM Bell.png

Richmond Tweed Mobile Library 

The Mobile Library stops in the car park on the grounds of Tyalgum Public School in 
Coolman Street, Tyalgum for the convenience of staff and students.

Fortnightly on Wednesday from 11am to 12.15pm - Ch
eck the timetable at for specific
The Mobile Library does not run on public holidays.




Community resilience is the idea that communities should be prepared for time of disaster so that community members can help each other.

This self help has been going on since forever, most especially amongst farmers and rural communities.

Community Resilience Teams have been set up to improve the local communication network when disaster strikes and especially to assist when areas become isolated.

With the aid and advice from Red Cross TDCA set up the Tyalgum Community Resilience Team. The team has a team leader, deputy leader (both residing in or near Tyalgum Village) and area coordinators for seven areas of Tyalgum District. See attached team list and map.

The seven areas were identified because each area can become isolated when there is flooding. Should help be needed in an area that is isolated the Resilience Coordinator for that area can contact 000, SES, Police, RFS, or the Resilience Team Leader, provided that normal communication functions.

When normal communications are down, as often happens when bad weather occurs, communications can be between the Area Coordinators and the Team Leader by UHF radio. The Team Leader can then relay the message to the appropriate First Responder service.

To ensure good UHF communications, a repeater station has been installed at Tyalgum Lookout on Boxsell Road and UHF hands sets programmed for that station have been distributed to each of the Area Coordinators.

The Tyalgum Resilience Team is a communications network to assist in disaster. It will help resolve a problem by communicating with First Responders; Police, SES and RFS.

Get to know who your Area Coordinator is. You may need them to send a message when disaster strikes.

Pumpenbil has its own Community Resilience Team lead by John Quayle.

Please note that we are looking for Area Coordinators for –

Area 4 - Limpinwood Road.

Area 6 - Brays Creek and Back Creek.

Area 7 - Tyalgum Road (the area between Tyalgum Village and Rocky Cutting.

Contact Mic Julien 0466630050 if you are interested.

Area Coordinators

  • You have been given several UHF handheld radios. These are the property of TDCA.

  • One should always be set to ‘Repeat’ and used to talk to the Team Leader when other communications don’t work.

  • The others should be set to the UHF channel for your area, see the list of Area Coordinators. These can be used to talk to others in your area or adjacent areas mainly to check on community well-being.

  • It’s a good idea to have a deputy who can hold the fort while you are away. Don’t forget to hand over the radios or have them in an accessible place.

  • In the rainy (flood) season and during the dry (fire) season, ensure that the batteries are charged.

Bushfire prone land map updated for the Tweed Shire.
Find out what it means for your property and be prepared for bushfires.

Tweed Shire Council and the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) have updated mapping of bushfire prone land across the Tweed Shire area.

The 2023 mapping is an update of the former 2012 mapped areas.

Every Council in NSW is required by legislation to map bushfire prone land according to conditions set by the RFS in its Guide for Bush Fire Prone Land Mapping.

The latest Tweed Shire mapping has been developed based on NSW RFS

guidelines and is the culmination of input from Council’s bushfire, GIS and 

ecology technical staff, as well as external expert advice. Of note is the 

introduction of Vegetation Category 3, considered medium bushfire risk, 

which includes grassland and pastures as bushfire prone vegetation types.

The new vegetation category has been introduced to reflect the bushfire

risk presented by grasslands and includes areas of unmanaged grassland

(cattle grazing), cane land, cleared and unmanaged banana plantations,

melaleuca tea tree. The 2023 map, reviewed and certified by the NSW RFS

Commissioner on 24 May 2023, is used as a trigger to ensure new developments have adequate protection from bushfire. 

Depending on the level of risk, mitigation measures may need to be incorporated into development, ranging from things like metal flyscreens and gutter guards, to modifying the style, construction material or location of a building.

Council’s Planning Director Vince Connell said land which was mapped as bushfire prone did not prevent development from happening, and existing buildings would not require retrospective modifications simply because they were now mapped.

“The new mapping will only affect you if you are planning a new development on your property, such as building, renovating or starting a home-based business. It is, however, a timely reminder for all property owners to ensure they have a bush fire survival plan,” Mr Connell said.

The new mapping took immediate effect from the certification date of 24 May 2023, and Council’s Development Assessment and Building Units will be working with the applicants of existing development and modification applications to ensure these new bushfire prone land planning controls are appropriately addressed.

Most land in Tweed Shire is considered bushfire prone, with only the more urbanised areas along the Tweed Coast, Tweed Heads and larger centres not considered at risk.

Mr Connell said RFS guidelines had been updated since the Tweed’s 2012 mapping to recognise the risk of grasslands as a fire hazard, resulting in an additional 20% of rural land being newly mapped.

“We want to work together to plan for the future, to ensure the Tweed grows and evolves in a sustainable and safe way,” Mr Connell said.

“Strategic planning is needed to ensure future land uses are in appropriate locations to minimise the risk to life and property from bush fire attack. The new mapping takes into account changes to the environment, including climate change, and the additional risks posed by grasslands and pasture under these conditions.

“In the Tweed, about 25,000 additional hectares of land have now been designated as bushfire prone under the new map, which is an approximate 20% increase in land area from the previous 2012 mapping.

“This means approximately 94% of the Tweed Shire is now classified as bushfire prone land. If you live in bushfire prone land, you should have a bushfire survival plan. This is about keeping our community safe.”

To prepare your bushfire survival plan, visit

For additional information on the NSW Government and Council’s development controls for bushfire prone land, and access to the mapping, visit bushfire-prone-land.

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