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Purpose of the TDCA...

The TDCA represents the collective interests of the Tyalgum district. It provides community members with the means to address local, Council or even state government issues or concerns. It is the community’s spokesperson.

Through the collective efforts of TDCA members, the welfare of the Tyalgum District community is being enhanced, development and services are being encouraged and the protection and welfare of the community is under constant review.


New Public Toilets in Coolman Street

Q: What does the TDCA do? 


  • Increasing the value of every property and business in the community by negotiating with Council to upgrade the local community park

  • Upgrading tourism facilities by pursuing upgrades to foot paths and associated facilities the length of Coolman Street

  • Creating and distributing the TDCA local newsletter and maintaining a TDCA Web Site and supporting the Village Facebook page. 

  • Pursuing council for more funds to be spent in western areas of the Shire.

  • Supported the project to turn the old tip area into a fantastic tourism lookout. 

  • Supported the negotiations for further upgrades of the tennis court, public toilet and Park facility opposite the shops.

  • Agitating for improvements to major roads, their marking/signage and roadside maintenance.

  • Contributing to Council plans on issues such as Toilet facitlites for the Tyalgum community, issues of Compliance, Flying foxes, Public Safety and rubbish collection within the Village

  • Liaising with Council and police to organise constructive ways to support families and younger community members.

  • Helping to organise a Community Resilience Action Team for flood/fire emergency management.

  • Supported the Heritage project to install heritage information signs for listed properties in the village.

  • Instigated and supported the initiative to erect a plaque to Cedric Popkin, one-time Tyalgum Postmaster, credited with the shooting down of the Red Baron in April 1918.

Q: What can YOU do to help the TDCA to continue to work for you and your family?



HELP US HELP YOU. You don’t have to work on projects, and you don’t need to attend every meeting – (they only last 1 hour each month).

All we ask is that you join and attend a few meetings. It will be your opportunity to tell us what we can do to make the Tyalgum community better for all of us. AND if you have an issue that is giving you concerns – tell us and let’s see whether we (collectively) can get it resolved. 


The TDCA has been supporting you – come along and work with us to improve our community. 


Join the TDCA to help keep building our community.


Meetings - Third Wednesday in the month, 6pm at the Community Hall. 


YOU are all very welcome! 


For further details contact Salsa Junior, TDCA Secretary on

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